NFL kickoff !
Sep 09, 2020

clubgowi subscribers were sent ten previews today, with write ups across three football leagues and two sports, you can see two of them in the posts below as samples of our output.
On Monday I wrote , what a week in prospect ! On paper it is probably the busiest week since we started in 2006 with the following .......
Two full rounds in J-League 1, Brazil and MLS.
The start of football in the Premier League, Championship and La Liga.
Full rounds in Ligue 1 and Ligue 2.
Golf, tennis and NFL getting underway on Thursday with the Kickoff game !
We have a lot of popular leagues and sports at clubgowi , but the absolute #1 with subscribers and readers is the NFL, where we have posted some incredible returns and landed several Super Bowl winners at HUGE odds .
Email us via the contact form for details of how to receive the NFL and/or any other clubgowi previews.
Good luck !